Mind the WhatsApp Gap
WhatsApp is fast becoming a critical part of any customer journey.
Acquiring customers is expensive, are you getting the most out of your customer’s lifetime value?
The Connected Consumer report 2024
We’ve been working with customers and listening to consumers for 20+ years. Our latest Connected Consumer report taps into the minds of over 6,000 global respondents.
Guide to conversational messaging
In this guide, we explain the do’s and don’ts of conversational messaging, from how it works to why it should become a critical element of your digital strategy.
Getting started with WhatsApp Business Platform
With WhatsApp Business Platform, you can have rich, personalised, two-way conversations. Our guide covers the basics so you can quickly and easily get started.
WhatsApp Business Platform: The essential guide
With a user base of over two billion (and growing), WhatsApp is a must-have for any business looking to improve the quality of customer interactions.
The 5 Essentials of SMS Marketing
With a 95% open rate of SMS messages, and 90 seconds being the average time it takes to open a text, SMS marketing is where you need to be.
Discover more in our customer stories and FAQ pages.